Mother’s Day is a special time when we celebrate the incredible women who have made a big impact on our lives with their love, care, and dedication. It’s our opportunity to show gratitude to our moms for all they do and to make them feel truly appreciated. If you’re looking to make this Mother’s Day unforgettable, here are 14 fun activities you can do together:

14 Wonderful Ways to Make Mother's Day Extra Special

Take a Mother's Day Selfie

Capturing the moment with a sweet selfie is a wonderful way to create lasting memories with your mom on Mother's Day. Whether you're spending the day together or apart, taking a selfie allows you to freeze a special moment in time and cherish it forever.

Plan a Picnic

Planning a picnic for Mother's Day is a fantastic idea to spend quality time with your mom and enjoy the beauty of nature together. To plan a picnic, you'll need to gather some goodies like sandwiches, fruits, snacks, and drinks.

Take a Mother's Day Selfie

Capturing the moment with a sweet selfie is a wonderful way to create lasting memories with your mom on Mother’s Day. Whether you’re spending the day together or apart, taking a selfie allows you to freeze a special moment in time and cherish it forever. If you can’t be together in person, sending her a heartfelt throwback photo can evoke nostalgic feelings and remind her of all the precious moments you’ve shared in the past.

A throwback photo is a picture taken from a previous time, perhaps from a family vacation, holiday celebration, or just a regular day spent together. It could be a photo of you and your mom laughing together, sharing a hug, or simply enjoying each other’s company. Sending her this type of photo along with a thoughtful message can convey your love and appreciation for her in a heartfelt way, even if you’re physically apart.

In your message, you can reminisce about the special memories captured in the photo and express how much those moments mean to you. You can also use this opportunity to thank your mom for all the love, support, and sacrifices she has made for you throughout the years. Adding a personal touch to your message will make it even more meaningful and show your mom just how much she is loved and appreciated.

In summary, whether you’re taking a new selfie together or sending a throwback photo, capturing the moment and sharing it with your mom on Mother’s Day is a beautiful way to celebrate your bond and create cherished memories together.

Plan a Picnic

Planning a picnic for Mother’s Day is a fantastic idea to spend quality time with your mom and enjoy the beauty of nature together. To plan a picnic, you’ll need to gather some goodies like sandwiches, fruits, snacks, and drinks. These can be simple homemade treats or store-bought favorites – whatever you and your mom enjoy!

Once you’ve packed your picnic basket with delicious food, it’s time to choose a scenic spot for your outdoor feast. Look for a park, beach, or countryside location with beautiful views and plenty of greenery. Consider finding a spot with a picnic table or grassy area where you can spread out a blanket.

When you arrive at your chosen picnic spot, take a moment to soak in the surroundings and appreciate the natural beauty around you. Set up your picnic blanket or find a comfortable spot to sit, and then unpack your picnic basket. Arrange the food and drinks neatly, and don’t forget to bring along utensils, napkins, and cups.

As you enjoy your picnic, take the opportunity to chat and bond with your mom. Share stories, laugh together, and make new memories in the great outdoors. You can also bring along some outdoor games or activities to add extra fun to your picnic experience.

After you’ve finished eating, take some time to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Lie back on the blanket, listen to the sounds of nature, and simply enjoy each other’s company. And don’t forget to clean up after yourselves – leave the picnic spot as beautiful as you found it!

In conclusion, planning a picnic for Mother’s Day is a wonderful way to celebrate with your mom and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors together. With some delicious food, a scenic location, and plenty of love and laughter, your picnic is sure to be a memorable and special experience for both of you.

Plant an Herb Garden Together

Planting an herb garden together with your mom is a delightful activity that allows you to bond while creating something beautiful and useful for your family. To start, you’ll need to gather some supplies like pots, soil, seeds, and gardening tools. You can find these items at your local garden center or even repurpose containers from around your home.

Plant an Herb Garden Together

Once you have all your supplies ready, choose a sunny spot in your yard or balcony where your herb garden can thrive. Herbs like basil, mint, rosemary, and thyme grow well in pots and can add delicious flavors to your meals.

Before you start planting, take some time to prepare the soil and arrange your pots or containers. You can get creative with how you arrange your herb garden, whether you want to plant each herb in its own pot or create a mixed herb garden in a larger container.

When it’s time to plant, carefully sow the herb seeds according to the instructions on the packet. Make sure to water them regularly and place them in a sunny spot where they’ll get plenty of sunlight. As the herbs start to grow, you and your mom can watch them thrive and look forward to using them in your cooking.

As your herb garden grows, you can enjoy spending time together caring for the plants, watering them, and watching them flourish. You can also harvest the herbs together when they’re ready and use them to add flavor to your family meals all season long.

Planting an herb garden together is not only a fun and rewarding activity, but it also provides a wonderful opportunity to bond with your mom and create lasting memories together. So grab your gardening gloves and get ready to enjoy the benefits of growing your own herbs with your mom by your side.

Cook a Family Recipe

Cooking a family recipe together is a fantastic way to spend quality time with your mom and create delicious memories that will last a lifetime. To get started, choose a beloved family recipe that holds special meaning for both of you. It could be a classic dish passed down through generations or a favorite recipe that you both love. Gather all the ingredients you’ll need for the recipe and set them out on the kitchen counter. Take this time to talk about the history of the recipe and any fond memories you have associated with it. This can help deepen your connection and make the cooking experience even more meaningful.

As you begin cooking, work together to follow the recipe step by step. Take turns measuring ingredients, stirring pots, and tasting along the way. Cooking together allows you to share the joy of creating something delicious from scratch and strengthens your bond as you collaborate in the kitchen.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and put your own spin on the recipe if you’d like. Cooking is all about experimentation and having fun, so feel free to add extra herbs or spices, or try out different cooking techniques to make the dish your own.

Once the dish is ready, sit down together and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Take pleasure in sharing a meal that you’ve prepared together and savor the flavors of your family recipe. As you eat, reminisce about past family gatherings and moments shared around the dinner table.

Cooking a family recipe together is not just about making food – it’s about creating lasting memories, strengthening your bond, and celebrating the traditions that bring you closer together. So roll up your sleeves, put on your aprons, and get ready to cook up some love with your mom by your side.

Cook a Family Recipe

Refresh a Room

Refreshing a room as a surprise for your mom is a thoughtful and loving way to show her how much you appreciate her. To start, think about which room in the house your mom spends the most time in and where a makeover would make the biggest impact. It could be her bedroom, living room, or even a cozy reading nook. Once you’ve chosen the room, gather supplies like fresh flowers, luxurious linens, and scented candles to create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. You can find these items at your local home goods store or online.

Refresh a Room

Start by decluttering and cleaning the room to create a blank canvas for your makeover. Then, begin adding touches of beauty and comfort. Arrange fresh flowers in a vase to add a pop of color and fragrance to the space. Choose soft and cozy linens for the bed or couch, such as plush blankets and fluffy pillows, to create a sense of warmth and relaxation. Finally, place scented candles around the room to fill the air with soothing aromas and create a calming ambiance.

As you refresh the room, think about your mom’s personal style and preferences. Consider adding personalized touches like framed photos, meaningful artwork, or sentimental decor items that hold special meaning for her.

Once the room makeover is complete, surprise your mom with the transformed space. Lead her into the room and watch her face light up with joy and appreciation. Take the time to explain the thought and effort you put into creating a peaceful and beautiful retreat just for her.

Refreshing a room for your mom is not only a wonderful way to show her how much you care, but it also provides her with a serene and rejuvenating space to relax and unwind. So get creative, put your decorating skills to work, and give your mom the gift of a beautifully refreshed room that she’ll cherish for years to come.

Take a Stroll

Taking a stroll with your mom is a lovely way to spend time together, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of nature. It’s a simple yet meaningful activity that allows you to slow down, relax, and connect with each other. To start, choose a scenic location for your walk, such as a nearby park, nature trail, or even just around your neighborhood. Look for a route that offers a mix of natural beauty and interesting sights to explore. As you set out on your stroll, take the time to appreciate the surroundings and engage in conversation with your mom. Talk about your day, share stories, or simply enjoy each other’s company in comfortable silence. Walking side by side creates a relaxed and intimate atmosphere where you can connect on a deeper level.

Don’t forget to take in the sights and sounds around you as you walk. Notice the colors of the flowers, the rustle of the leaves in the breeze, and the chirping of the birds. Encourage your mom to pause and admire anything that catches her eye, whether it’s a beautiful flower or an interesting piece of architecture.

If you’re walking in a park, consider bringing along a picnic blanket and some snacks to enjoy along the way. Find a scenic spot to sit and relax, taking in the beauty of nature while you share a meal together.

As you conclude your stroll, take a moment to express your gratitude to your mom for spending time with you. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in showing her how much you appreciate her company and cherish the moments you’ve shared together on your walk.

In summary, taking a stroll with your mom is a wonderful way to bond, relax, and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors together. So lace up your shoes, grab your mom’s hand, and set out on a leisurely walk that you’ll both remember fondly for years to come.

Take a Stroll

Present a "Mom" Show-and-Tell

Presenting a “Mom” show-and-tell is a heartwarming activity that allows you to share cherished memories and strengthen your bond with your mom. To start, gather items from around the house that hold sentimental value and have special meaning to your family. These could be old photographs, heirlooms, handmade gifts, or any other objects that evoke fond memories or tell a story. Once you’ve gathered your items, set aside some time to sit down with your mom and share the stories behind each one. Take turns presenting the items and explaining why they are important to you and your family.

Present a "Mom" Show-and-Tell

Share funny anecdotes, touching moments, and treasured memories associated with each item.

As you share your stories, pay attention to your mom’s reactions and emotions. This is an opportunity for her to reminisce about the past and relive precious moments with you. Take the time to listen to her stories as well and appreciate the memories she shares.

You can also use this time to express your gratitude and appreciation for everything your mom has done for you over the years. Tell her how important she is to you and how thankful you are for all the love, help, and advice she gives you.

Presenting a “Mom” show-and-tell is not only a fun and meaningful activity, but it also provides an opportunity for you and your mom to connect on a deeper level and strengthen your relationship. It’s a chance to celebrate your shared history, create new memories, and show your mom just how much she is loved and appreciated. So gather your items, prepare your stories, and get ready for a special bonding experience with your mom.

Explore a Museum

Exploring a museum with your mom is an enriching and enjoyable way to spend quality time together while discovering new things. Start by choosing a museum that interests both of you, whether it’s an art museum, history museum, science museum, or any other type of cultural institution. Look online or in your local area for exhibitions that catch your eye and plan your visit accordingly.

Once you arrive at the museum, take your time to wander through the exhibits at a leisurely pace. Read the descriptions, examine the artifacts, and engage in conversations with your mom about what you see. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and enjoy learning together as you explore the museum’s offerings.

Visiting a museum provides a wonderful opportunity to broaden your horizons, gain new perspectives, and appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world around us. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in art, history, science, or whatever subject matter the museum focuses on, and to stimulate your curiosity and creativity.

After you’ve finished exploring the museum, treat your mom to lunch at her favorite restaurant or try out a new eatery together. Enjoy a delicious meal and continue your conversation, reflecting on the highlights of your museum visit and sharing any interesting insights or observations you had. Exploring a museum and enjoying lunch together is not just a fun outing, but it’s also a meaningful way to bond with your mom and create lasting memories. It’s a chance to share experiences, deepen your connection, and celebrate your shared interests and appreciation for culture and learning. So plan your museum visit, pack your curiosity, and get ready for a day of exploration and discovery with your mom by your side.

Explore a Museum

Plan a Getaway

Planning a getaway to a charming small town is an exciting way to treat your mom to a relaxing weekend escape. Start by researching small towns in your area or within a reasonable driving distance that offer a peaceful atmosphere and plenty of charm.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect destination, start planning your itinerary. Look for cozy bed and breakfasts or quaint boutique hotels where you can stay and unwind. Check out local attractions such as historical landmarks, scenic parks, charming shops, and delicious restaurants to explore during your getaway.

Plan a Getaway

Consider activities that your mom enjoys, whether it’s hiking, browsing antique stores, attending local events or simply strolling through picturesque streets. Plan your days to include a mix of relaxation and adventure, allowing plenty of time to enjoy each other’s company and soak up the unique ambiance of the town.

During your getaway, take the opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life and focus on being present in the moment with your mom. Enjoy leisurely meals together, take scenic walks, and savor the simple pleasures of exploring a new place together.

As you return home from your getaway, you’ll both feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and grateful for the special time you spent together. Planning a getaway to a charming small town is a wonderful way to show your mom how much you care and create cherished memories that you’ll both treasure for years to come. So pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready for a weekend of relaxation, adventure, and quality time with your mom.


Dancing together with your mom is a joyful and heartwarming activity that can bring you closer and create lasting memories. Whether you dance to her favorite tunes or learn a new dance together, it’s a fun way to celebrate your bond and enjoy each other’s company.

Start by choosing some music that your mom loves, whether it’s classic hits from her youth, her favorite songs from today, or even a special song that holds sentimental value for both of you. Clear some space in the living room or backyard, put on your dancing shoes, and let the music move you.

If you’re both comfortable with it, you can even learn a new dance together. Look up tutorials online or attend a dance class together to learn a new style or routine. Whether it’s salsa, swing, ballroom, or something else entirely, learning a new dance together can be a fun and rewarding experience that strengthens your bond and creates shared memories.

As you dance together, focus on enjoying the moment and letting go of any inhibitions. Laugh, have fun, and embrace the joy of movement as you twirl around the room with your mom by your side. Dancing is a wonderful way to express yourselves, connect with each other, and celebrate the special bond that you share.

Whether you’re dancing to her favorite tunes or learning a new dance together, the important thing is to have fun and cherish the time you spend together. So put on some music, take each other’s hands, and let the rhythm of the music guide you as you dance your way into each other’s hearts.


Craft a Wreath

Crafting a wreath together is a wonderful way to get creative and add a personal touch to your mom’s home decor. You can use simple materials and follow easy DIY instructions to make a beautiful wreath that will brighten up her space and show her how much you care.

Start by gathering your supplies, which can include a wreath form (made of foam or wire), floral wire or hot glue, and an assortment of decorative items such as artificial flowers, ribbon, foliage, or other embellishments. You can get these things at your nearby craft store or on the internet.

Once you have your supplies ready, let your imagination run wild and start designing your wreath. You can choose a theme or color scheme that matches your mom’s preferences or the decor of her home. Arrange your materials on the wreath form, experimenting with different layouts and combinations until you find a design that you love.

As you craft the wreath together, take the time to chat and enjoy each other’s company. Crafting can be a relaxing and therapeutic activity, and it’s a great opportunity to bond with your mom while you work on a shared project.

Once your wreath is complete, hang it proudly on your mom’s front door, above the fireplace, or in any other prominent place in her home. Every time she sees it, she’ll be reminded of the special time you spent together creating something beautiful just for her.

Crafting a wreath together is not only a fun and creative activity, but it’s also a thoughtful way to add a personal touch to your mom’s home decor. So gather your supplies, let your creativity flow, and get ready to craft a wreath that will bring joy and warmth to your mom’s home for years to come.

Help Tackle Her To-Do List

Offering to help tackle your mom’s to-do list is a thoughtful and practical way to show her how much you care. It’s an opportunity to lend a helping hand and lighten her load by taking care of tasks that she may have been putting off or struggling to find time for.

Start by asking your mom if there’s anything specific she needs help with around the house. It could be anything from cleaning out the garage, organizing a closet, or fixing a leaky faucet to running errands, doing yard work, or cooking a meal.

Once you know what tasks need to be done, roll up your sleeves and get to work. Take initiative and tackle each task with care and attention to detail. Work efficiently and methodically to make the most of your time and ensure that you complete each task to the best of your ability.

As you help out around the house, be sure to communicate with your mom and keep her updated on your progress. Ask for her input and feedback, and be open to any additional tasks or changes she may need help with.

Offering to assist with tasks around the house is not only a practical way to support your mom, but it’s also a meaningful way to spend time together and strengthen your bond. Take advantage of this opportunity to show your mom how much she means to you and how grateful you are for everything she does for your family.

By lending a helping hand and tackling her to-do list, you’ll not only make your mom’s life easier, but you’ll also create cherished memories and demonstrate your love and appreciation for her in a tangible way. So don’t hesitate to offer your assistance and make a difference in your mom’s day-to-day life.

Plan a Weekend TV Series Binge

Planning a weekend TV series binge is a cozy and relaxing way to spend quality time with your mom, especially if she has a favorite show or movie series that she loves to watch. It’s an opportunity to bond over shared interests, laugh together, and immerse yourselves in the world of your favorite characters. Start by choosing a TV show or movie series that your mom enjoys and that you’re both excited to watch. It could be a classic sitcom, a thrilling drama, a heartwarming comedy, or a captivating fantasy series – whatever genre your mom loves the most.

Plan a Weekend TV Series Binge

Once you’ve chosen your series, set aside a weekend when you can dedicate some uninterrupted time to binge-watching together. Stock up on snacks, cozy blankets, and your favorite beverages to create a comfortable viewing environment.

As you settle in for your marathon, take turns selecting episodes or movies to watch, and enjoy discussing your favorite moments, characters, and plot twists. You can pause to chat, laugh, or even speculate about what might happen next.

Binge-watching a TV series or movie marathon with your mom is not just about the entertainment – it’s also about the shared experience and the memories you’ll create together. Whether you’re snuggled up on the couch or sprawled out on bean bags, the important thing is that you’re enjoying each other’s company and having fun.

As the weekend comes to an end, you’ll both feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and grateful for the special time you spent together. Planning a TV series binge is a simple yet meaningful way to show your mom how much you care and create lasting memories that you’ll both cherish for years to come. So grab the remote, queue up your favorite shows, and get ready for a weekend of binge-watching bliss with your mom by your side.

Make DIY Candles and Soap

Getting crafty and making DIY candles or soap together is a wonderful way to bond with your mom and create something special that she’ll love. It’s a fun and creative activity that allows you to personalize your gifts and add a personal touch to Mother’s Day.

To get started, gather your supplies, which can include wax or soap base, fragrance oils, coloring agents, molds, and other decorative elements. You can find these materials at your local craft store or order them online. Once you have your supplies ready, set aside some time to work on your DIY project together. Choose a workspace where you can spread out your materials and work comfortably.

For making candles, melt the wax or wax base in a double boiler, then add fragrance oils and coloring agents to customize the scent and color of your candles. Pour the melted wax into molds and allow it to cool and harden before removing the candles from the molds.

For making soap, melt the soap base in a microwave or double boiler, then add fragrance oils and coloring agents as desired. Pour the melted soap into molds and allow it to cool and harden before removing the soap from the molds.

As you work on your DIY project together, enjoy chatting and catching up with your mom. Share stories, laugh, and make memories as you create something beautiful together.

Once your candles or soap are finished, package them up nicely and present them to your mom as a heartfelt Mother’s Day gift. She’ll be touched by the thought and effort you put into making something just for her, and she’ll appreciate the time you spent together creating memories.

Making DIY candles or soap together is not only a fun and creative activity, but it’s also a meaningful way to show your mom how much you care. So roll up your sleeves, get crafty, and get ready to make Mother’s Day extra special for your mom this year!


Make DIY Candles and Soap