India’s culinary scene is a vibrant mosaic of tastes and aromas, and in the realm of non-vegetarian cuisine, the choices are truly endless. From mouthwatering kebabs that melt in your mouth to fragrant biryanis that tantalize the senses, the diversity mirrors the profound richness of the country’s cultural tapestry. This article embarks on a delectable journey, unveiling the top 10 non-vegetarian dishes that stand as culinary masterpieces in India.

In every corner of this vast country, you will encounter a balance of flavor that tell stories of heritage, tradition, and creation. The juicy kebabs, marinated to perfection and grilled to smoky goodness, are a testament to the art of Indian chefs. Each bite is an explosion of taste, harmonizing tender meat with a harmonious mix of spices

Top 10 Non-Vegetarian Dishes in India

Butter Chicken: A Creamy Delight

Hailing from the fertile land of Punjab, this delectable creation has transcended borders, captivating palates around the globe

Hyderabadi Biryani: Royalty on a Plate

Hyderabadi Biryani, an opulent culinary masterpiece, is a harmonious blend of fragrant Basmati rice, tender meat, and a symphony of aromatic spices

Butter Chicken: A Creamy Delight


Hailing from the fertile land of Punjab, this delectable creation has transcended borders, captivating palates around the globe. A luscious amalgamation of succulent chicken and a rich, tomato-based gravy, this dish has become an ambassador of North Indian cuisine. Its soft texture, achieved through a scrupulous cooking process, is a testament to the culinary proficiency that graces the kitchens of this region. The interplay of creaminess and tanginess is what elevates this dish to a league of its own. The creamy base, enriched with dairy goodness, envelops tender chicken pieces, creating a harmonious union of flavor and textures. The tomatoes, ripened to perfection, impart a zesty tang that adds a distinctive punch to every bite.

As you savor each mouthful, you’re transported to the heart of Punjab, where the essence of this dish finds its roots. It embodies not only the flavor of the region but also the warmth and hospitality for which Punjabi cuisine is famed. This chicken delicacy is further than a dish; it’s a culinary heritage, a passage through tradition, and a festivity of the art that defines North Indian cooking.


How to make Butter Chicken

  • In a bowl mix yogurt, ginger- garlic paste, red chili powder, turmeric powder, garam masala, cumin powder, and coriander powder.
  • Add the chicken pieces to this sauce, assuring they’re well- covered. Let the chicken marinate for 2 hours, or overnight for best results.
  • Preheat a grill or a skillet. Cook the marinated chicken pieces until they’re completely cooked and have a nice housekeeper on the outside. Set them afar.
  • Take a separate pan & melt half of the butter. Add the tomato puree and cook it on medium heat until the oil seperate from the sauce. This may take time for about 10 to 15 Minutes.
  • Allow the tomato sauce to cool slightly, also blend it into a smooth thickness. Strain the sauce to remove seeds or any remaining skin.
  • Return the mixed sauce to the pan and add the cooked chicken pieces. Let it stew on low heat for about 10 minutes, allowing the flavor to mix together.
  • little by little stir in the cream and sugar. Continue to cook for another 5 minutes, ensuring the chicken is coated in the creamy gravy.
  • Add the remaining butter and let it melt into the sauce, giving a rich and sleek finish.
  • Garnish the Butter Chicken with fresh coriander leaves. Serve it hot with Naan or Steamed Rice.

Hyderabadi Biryani: Royalty on a Plate


Hyderabadi Biryani, an opulent culinary masterpiece, is a harmonious blend of fragrant Basmati rice, tender meat, and a symphony of aromatic spices. Its roots trace back to the lavish kitchens of the Nizams, where it was meticulously crafted as a testament to their refined taste and appreciation for culinary artistry. This regal dish exudes an air of sophistication and remains an enduring symbol of Hyderabad’s rich gastronomic heritage. 

The Basmati rice forms the very foundation of this dish, known for its long grains and distinctive aroma.Each grain, loosely chosen and ideally cooked, serves as a canvas for the intricate layers of flavor that follow. The juicy meat, whether chicken, lamb, or beef, is marinated in a mix of spices and tenderized to perfection. This ensures that every bite is a juicy and delicious revelation. Fragrant spices such as saffron, cardamom, and cloves are woven into the shade of this dish, steeping it with an alluring scent that lingers in the air. The slow- cooking process, known as’ dum,’ allows the flavor to combine together, performing in a biryani that’s a true sensitive delight.

Today, Hyderabadi Biryani stands as a culinary crown jewel, celebrated not only in India but across the globe. Its legacy endures, and with every fragrant spoonful, it offers a taste of history, a glimpse into the grandeur of the Nizami era, and a testament to the enduring allure of this regal dish.


How to make Hyderabadi Biryani

  • Mix yogurt, red chili powder, turmeric powder, ginger-garlic paste, and salt in a bowl. Stir in the chicken pieces thoroughly. Marinate it for 2 hours
  • Wash the Basmati rice & allow it to soak for 30 Minutes. Fill a pot with Water and bring it to a Boil. Add the rice along with a mix of fragrant Cardamom pods, Bay leaf, Cinnamon and Cloves. Let the rice cook until it’s 70% done.
  • Meanwhile, in a pan, heat a combination of oil and ghee. As the mixture sizzles, add the finely sliced onions and stir fry them until it comes to golden brown. Set aside a portion of these caramelized onions for a later garnish.The remaining onions now host the aromatic dance of ginger-garlic paste, sizzling until the pungent raw notes dissipate into a fragrant melody.
  • Add the finely chopped tomatoes to center stage, accompanied by a symphony of red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, and a measured sprinkle of salt. This medley simmers until the tomatoes soften, and the oil gracefully separates.
  • Add the marinated chicken and cook until it turns white. Cover and Cook the chicken in a low medium flame. Sprinkle garam masala and mix well.
Hyderabadi Biryan
  • In a heavy-bottomed pan or a biryani pot, layer half of the chicken at the bottom. Layer it with half cooked rice. Sprinkle fried onions, chopped coriander leaves and mint leaves on the top.
  • Add the remaining chicken on top, and rest of the rice. Drizzle saffron milk over the top for an aromatic touch.
  • Cover the pot with a tight lid and Cook on a low medium heat for about 30 to 40 minutes allowing the flavor to meld together. This is known as the ‘dum’ cooking process.
  • Just before serving, garnish with fried onions, chopped coriander leaves, and mint leaves.

Rogan Josh: Kashmiri Comfort Food


Originating from the picturesque landscapes of Kashmir, Rogan Josh is a culinary marvel that transcends mere sustenance. This slow-cooked lamb curry is a rich harmony of flavor, bearing testimony to the artistry of Kashmiri cuisine. It stands as a testament to the time-honored traditions of this region, where culinary craftsmanship is held in the highest regard.

The dish begins with tender lamb pieces, chosen with meticulous care, ensuring they are primed for a slow and deliberate cooking process. This method allows the lamb to absorb the essence of the spices, resulting in a melt-in-the-mouth texture that is both indulgent and satisfying. The lamb becomes a canvas, absorbing the intricate blend of flavor that make Rogan Josh a culinary treasure.

The key to Rogan Josh’s distinct taste lies in its spice blend. Aromatic spices like cardamom, fennel, and cloves are ground to perfection, creating a rich and fragrant base. This spice medley is then meticulously layered into the dish, infusing it with depth and character. The infusion of saffron, a precious Kashmiri spice, imparts both color and a subtle earthiness that elevates the dish to a whole new level.

As the curry simmers over a low flame, the flavor meld together, creating a robust and soul-satisfying symphony. The slow cooking process allows the spices to marry with the tender lamb, resulting in a dish that is as nuanced as it is comforting. 


How to make Rogan Josh

  • In a bowl, blend yogurt, ginger- garlic paste, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and a small pinch of salt. Make sure the chicken pieces are equally covered before adding them. For an extra burst of flavor, allow it to marinate for a minimum of two hours, or better yet, overnight.
  • In a sturdy kadhai, gently warm up the oil over medium heat. Introduce cloves, bay leaf, cinnamon stick, green cardamom pods, cumin seeds, and fennel seeds. Let them mingle until the aroma grows rich and inviting.
  • Toss in thinly sliced onions and let them sizzle until they transform into a glorious golden hue. It generally takes around ten to twelve minutes.
  • Add a mix of coriander powder, cumin powder, red chili powder, and paprika( if choosing for an excess spicy). Stir it in well to create a harmonious infusion of flavor.
  • Introduce ginger paste and garlic paste, letting them dance in the pan for another 2-3 minutes until any raw edge dissipates.
  • Pour in the tomato puree and let it gracefully meld with the spices. Allow it to cook until the oil starts to gently part ways with the masala, which should take around 10-15 minutes.
  • Now, add the marinated chicken along with its flavorful marinade. Cook over medium heat until the chicken undergoes a delightful transformation, taking on a gorgeous hue.
  • Lower the heat, cover the pot, and let the chicken luxuriate in its flavorful bath for about 1.5 to 2 hours. Stir occasionally to ensure it enjoys an even soak.
  • Once the chicken is tender and infused with flavor, introduce the saffron-kissed milk. This final touch imparts a beautiful color and a subtle saffron essence to the dish.
  • Elevate your creation by garnishing with a generous sprinkle of fresh coriander leaves. Now, savor the fruits of your culinary adventure – a dish bursting with rich, layered flavor!

Goan Fish Curry: Coastal Delight


This vibrant fish curry from the sunny shores of Goa is a testament to the lively coastal culture that graces India’s western coastline. It ideally conveys the substance of the rich culinary heritage of this region, filled with an explosion of flavor. This coconut- ground curry, that’s well- known for its special tanginess and spiciness, is a pleasurable sense of taste that presents a succulent combination of flavor.

The mix of juicy, fresh fish and a rich gravy made with coconut is the centerpiece of this culinary wonder. This dish’s base is the creamy coconut milk, which gives it a velvety texture and a subtle sweetness that perfectly balances the spices’ detail. The use of coconut not only imparts richness but also pays homage to Goa’s abundant coastal produce.

What sets this fish curry apart is the bold play of flavor. The tanginess, a hallmark of Goan cuisine, is achieved through the inclusion of tamarind. Its distinctive tartness intermingles with the creamy coconut, creating a layered taste experience that is both zesty and invigorating. This interplay of flavor is further enhanced by a medley of aromatic spices, which infuse the curry with depth and complexity.


How to make Goan Fish Curry

  • Combine a mixture of Turmeric powder, Red chili powder & a pinch of Salt in a bowl. Gently spread this onto the fish fillets allowing them to rest for at least 20 minutes.
  • In a culinary ritual, unite chopped onions, dried red chilies, coriander, cumin, ginger, garlic, and grated coconut in a blender. Let them whirl and dance until they merge into a silky paste. A touch of water may be added if needed.
  • Let the tamarind pulp soak in warm water for approximately 15 minutes. Squeeze it gently, letting the essence flow, then bid farewell to seeds and threads.
  • In a deep pan, let the oil heat up. As mustard seeds sizzle and pop, let curry leaves join in for a fragrant symphony. Green chilies (if desired) and diced tomatoes are invited to the dance, cooking until the tomatoes yield to tenderness.
  • Now, unveil the blended spice paste onto the stage. Allow it to perform on medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, serenading your senses as the aroma is released and oil begins its graceful separation.
goan_fish Curry
  • Pour in the tamarind essence and just enough water to achieve your desired consistency for the curry. Let it bubble and simmer, blending flavor in a gentle duet.
  • Gently place the marinated fish fillets into this fragrant pool. Cover the pot, allowing them to waltz in the curry for about 8-10 minutes, until they flake with the lightest touch of a spoon.
  • A final touch – taste the curry and adjust the salt and spiciness to suit your personal preference.

Seekh Kebab: A Culinary Art


Emerging from the opulent era of the Mughals, the seekh kebab made its grand entrance into India, a culinary gift from Turkish origins. These delectable morsels of skewered mutton or chicken are a living testament to the meticulous artistry that defines Indian gastronomy.

The journey of seekh kebabs begins with the finest cuts of meat, expertly minced and combined with an array of aromatic spices. Each ingredient is chosen with precision, ensuring a harmonious blend that will dance on the palate. This mixture is then skillfully molded onto skewers, resulting in the iconic elongated shape that gives the kebab its name, “seekh” meaning skewer.

The magic of seekh kebabs not only lies in their preparation but also in the method of cooking. Traditionally they are grilled on open flame or in a tandoor allowing the meat to slowly absorb the smoky essence, imparting a distinctive charred flavor. This process demands both patience and expertise, as the kebabs are meticulously turned to achieve an even and succulent finish.

The blend of spices is where the true artistry of seekh kebabs comes to life. A symphony of cumin, coriander, garam masala, and other secret ingredients, all carefully measured and combined, imparts a complex and layered taste. This spice blend, passed down through generations, carries the legacy of Indian culinary heritage.


How to make Seekh Kebab

  • Combine mutton mince and chicken mince in a bowl, blending them thoroughly with your hands.
  • Add ginger-garlic paste, onion paste, red chili powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, powdered pepper, dried mango powder, saunth, oil, cashew paste, and cream. Ensure a thorough mix.
  • Introduce besan (chickpea flour) and egg yolk to bind the mixture. Blend until well incorporated.
  • Season the mixture with salt to taste, ensuring an even distribution.
  • Cover and let the mixture rest in the fridge for a minimum of 1 hour, allowing the flavor to meld.
  • Skewer the prepared mixture onto oiled skewers. Grill or roast until the outer surface achieves a delightful golden brown hue. While grilling, generously baste with oil.
  • Turn the kebabs out onto a platter once they are cooked to perfection.
  • Add some fresh onion rings, vibrant coriander leaf sprigs, and zesty lemon wedges as garnish.

Chettinad Chicken Curry: South Indian Spiciness


Emerging from the heartland of Tamil Nadu, the fiery Chicken Chettinad is a culinary masterpiece that beckons to those who relish the thrill of spice. This iconic dish carries with it the rich heritage of the Chettinad region, renowned for its bold and aromatic cuisine.

At its core, Chicken Chettinad is a testament to the meticulous artistry of spice blending. A symphony of peppercorns, cardamom, cloves, fennel seeds, and an array of other spices come together in perfect harmony, creating a melange that promises a sensory journey like no other.

The preparation of this culinary marvel begins with the careful selection and roasting of spices, a process that awakens their dormant flavor and releases their potent essence. These spices, now imbued with a newfound vigor, are ground to precision, resulting in a masala that forms the beating heart of the dish.

The chicken, a canvas for this vibrant tapestry of flavor, is bathed in a marinade of yogurt, ginger, garlic, and the freshly ground Chettinad masala. This union allows the flavor to permeate the tender meat, promising a taste that is nothing short of extraordinary.

The cooking process is a delicate dance, where the marinated chicken simmers in a fragrant concoction of tomatoes, onions, and curry leaves. The amalgamation of these ingredients creates a symphony of tastes, where the robustness of the spices meets the mellowing influence of coconut milk.


How to make Chettinad Chicken Curry

  • Separate the Spices into 2 bowls one for the major spices like, cinnamon bark, peppercorns, cloves, star anise arms, coriander seed & green cardamom & the other for minor spices like cumin seed, poppy seed & Ajwain.
  • Heat the pan on a Medium-low heat. Toast the “big” spices until a delightful aroma arises, which should take under 2 minutes.
  • Add the “small” spices and toast for about 30 seconds. Then, introduce the Kashmiri chilies and toast for another 30 seconds, flipping them halfway through.
  • Remove from the gas and let the spices cool down.
  • Transfer the cooled spices to a spice grinder, ensuring they’re finely ground. Set aside.
  • Slice the onions (you can use a food processor for this if you prefer). Dice the tomatoes and have your spice mix ready. Put on some enjoyable music for the cooking process.
  • Toast the coconut or vegetable oil in a large pot or Dutch roaster set in medium heat. Let simmer the onions until they become tender and have a gorgeous caramel color. This procedure could take up to 20 minute
  • Introduce curry leaves (if using) and then add the garlic ginger paste. Cook until the sizzling subsides.
chettinad_chicken Curry
  • Add the ground spice mix and toast for about a minute. Add the toasted Kashmiri chilies for a light toasting.
  • Pour in the coconut milk and tomatoes, bringing the mixture to a gentle stew. Add the chicken and let it boil until it reaches an inner temperature of 160- 170 °F( about 20- 25 minutes). Adjust salt to taste and

Malai Kofta: Vegetarian's Dream Turned Non-Veg


In the realm of North Indian cuisine, a culinary marvel emerges, transforming a beloved vegetarian delight, the kofta, into an elevated masterpiece. Here, the spotlight shifts to tender chicken or mutton orbs, delicately poised in a decadent, creamy gravy, creating a symphony of flavor that is nothing short of extraordinary.

The genesis of this dish lies in the artful combination of meticulously crafted meatballs, infused with a medley of aromatic spices. Ground chicken or mutton forms the heart of these succulent spheres, tenderly mingled with an assortment of flavor-enhancing elements, resulting in orbs of pure gastronomic delight.

The gravy, a key player in this culinary drama, unfolds as a velvety canvas, rich and opulent. A harmonious blend of creaminess and depth, it embraces the meatballs with a lusciousness that promises to tantalize the taste buds.

The alchemy begins with the meticulous creation of the koftas themselves. Ground meat, lovingly combined with an array of finely balanced spices, forms the basis of these delectable orbs. Shaped with care and precision, they are then gently cooked to perfection, ensuring a tender, juicy bite with each indulgent mouthful.

Meanwhile, the gravy undergoes its own transformation. A melange of aromatic spices, fresh cream, and other secret ingredients merge in a dance of flavor, simmering and melding into a luxurious sauce that will cradle the koftas in a tender embrace.


How to make Non-Veg Kofta

  • Mix all the ingredients ( kheema,ginger & garlic paste, green chillies,garam masala,egg,corriender,tomato,red chilli powder,jeera powder,malai or cream) excluding cream, in a blender. Blend the ingredients until they form a silky-smooth puree.
  • Add the tomato puree into the dish and microwave uncovered on high tempreture for 10 minutes.
  • Stir in cream and a touch of orange color. Thoroughly mix and set aside the creamy tomato sauce.
  • Begin by soaking bread in water, then squeeze and crumble it.
  • Combine the crumbled bread with all the kofta ingredients. Form this mixture into balls.
  • Arrange the kofta balls on a plate in a circular pattern.
  • Microwave uncovered on high for 5 minutes, making sure to flip the koftas after 2-3 minutes.
  • Introduce the koftas into the tomato sauce in the dish.
  • Cover the dish and microwave on high tempreture for 4 minutes.
  • Give it two to three minutes to rest.
  • Garnish with fresh coriander and serve hot.

Amritsari Fish Fry: Golden Crunchy Delight


Hailing from the vibrant streets of Amritsar, this iconic roadside food is a culinary gem that showcases the art of marinating fish to astonishing perfection. Through a safe process, the fish is converted into a tasteful masterpiece, boasting a blunt, golden crust that gives way to offer, exquisitely seasoned fish.

At its core lies the dressing, a precisely cooked blend of spices that imparts a harmony of flavor to the fish. Each fillet is bathed in this aromatic infusion, allowing it to absorb the essence of Amritsari culinary tradition. The result is a marriage of spices that elevates the taste to an unforgettable crescendo.

The magic truly happens in the frying process. The marinated fish is tenderly laid into hot oil, a sizzling canvas that promises to seal in the flavor. As it fries, a golden transformation occurs, enveloping the fish in a crisp, tantalizing embrace. This delicate dance between heat and marinade is what gives the dish its distinctive character.

The outcome is nothing short of extraordinary. With each bite, the palate is treated to a sensory symphony. The initial crunch yields to succulent, perfectly cooked fish, its essence infused with the richness of the marinade. It’s a culinary experience that transcends the common, a testament to the mastership of roadside food artificers in Amritsar.


How to make Amritsari Fish Fry

  • Begin by cleaning the fish pieces thoroughly. Rinse the fish and pat them dry.
  • Sprinkle wheat flour generously over the fish pieces. Gently mix to ensure an even coating. Allow the pieces to sit with the flour coating for about 5-10 minutes. Afterward, rinse again and pat dry with a napkin. This step is optional but aids in reducing any strong fish odour.
  • In a mortar and pestle, create a paste using carom seeds, coriander seeds, and garlic.
  • Add gram flour, salt, the prepared spice paste, lemon juice, turmeric, and chilli powder over the fish pieces. Stir thoroughly, ensuring every fish piece is evenly coated with the spice mixture. Set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  • While the fish marinates, heat a sufficient amount of oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat for frying.
  • Carefully deep fry the fish pieces in the hot oil until they turn crisp and attain a golden hue from all sides.
  • After the fish is fried, drain it and place it on paper that soaks up oil. As a backup, you can barbecue the fish pieces in a grill pan, air fryer, or oven.
  • Serve the Amritsari Fish Fry while still warm. Sprinkle it with chaat masala, a squeeze of lemon juice, and serve with your preferred chutney.

Pork Vindaloo: Goan Culinary Legacy


Pork Vindaloo, a culinary gem bearing the remnants of Portuguese influence, is a bold and flavorful pork curry that stands out for its distinctive fusion of tangy vinegar, piquant garlic, and a medley of aromatic spices. This dish has etched its mark in the tapestry of Indian cuisine, marrying the robust flavor of Goa with foreign culinary heritage.

At its core lies the marriage of succulent pork pieces with a marinade steeped in a rich concoction of vinegar and garlic. This infusion imparts a zesty, tangy note to the meat, setting the stage for a symphony of flavor to unfold. The combination of vinegar’s tartness and garlic’s pungency creates a delightful contrast that forms the backbone of this exquisite curry.

A carefully crafted blend of spices further elevates the dish, adding layers of complexity to the flavor profile. A harmonious union of cumin, coriander, mustard seeds, and fiery red chilies infuses the curry with a tantalizing heat, while hints of cinnamon and cloves impart a subtle warmth and depth.

How to make Pork Vindaloo

  • Soak the Kashmiri chillies in 2- 3 tbsp of lukewarm water for around 10 minutes.
  • In a blender, put some garlic, ginger, cumin seeds, malt ginger, soaked Kashmiri chillies, and the soaking liquid. Mix until you attain a fine, thick paste.
  • cover the pork with this paste and allow it to marinate overnight or for a minimum of 2- 3 hours.
  • Heat oil in a heavy- grounded pan. Add black peppercorns, cinnamon stick, and green chilli. Let them inoculate the oil for about a minute.
  • Slightly increase the heat and add the marinated pork. Shindig for 8- 10 minutes, cinching it browns unevenly to seal in the flavor. Stir constantly during this process.
  • Reduce the heat to low. Add jaggery, tamarind paste, and season to taste. Pour in roughly 200mls of water.
  • Bring the admixture to a boil, also cover the pot with a lid. Allow it to cook for 1 hour. Remember to stir the curry half through the cuisine process.However, add a bit more water, If it appears to be drying out. The thing is to achieve a thick sauce that fleeces the pork well.



Mutton Dum Biryani: A Royal Affair


Originating in the culinary heritage of Lucknow, this biryani is a masterpiece that exemplifies the art of slow cooking. It brings together marinated mutton and fragrant rice in a harmonious union that transcends the ordinary, creating a dish that truly benefits royalty.

At its heart lies the marination process, a meticulous affair where succulent mutton pieces are lovingly coated in a blend of aromatic spices. This marinade infuses the meat with a medley of flavor, setting the stage for an exquisite symphony of taste to unfold. The marriage of tender mutton with this fragrant blend forms the cornerstone of this exceptional biryani.

The rice, too, plays a pivotal role in this culinary opus. Each grain is carefully selected for its fragrance and texture, ensuring that it complements the mutton in perfect harmony. As the biryani simmers, the rice absorbs the essence of the marinated meat, creating a union that is nothing short of culinary alchemy.


How to make Mutton Dum Biryani

  • Start by creating a paste mix together ginger, garlic, and green chillies until smooth. Set away.
  • Wash the mutton and place it in a mixing coliseum. Add yogurt 1 Teaspoon of ginger- Garlic and Chilli paste, Red Chilli greasepaint, Turmeric greasepaint, Garam masala and swab to taste. Allow it to marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight.
  • Heat oil painting in a visage and add sliced onions. Sauté them over downward to medium heat until they attain a rich golden brown color. This process requires tolerance for caramelization. Half of these caramelized onions will be reserved for the biryani masala, while the rest will be used for trim.
  • In a saucepan, combine water, bay splint, cardamom capsules, cinnamon stick, cloves, swab, and washed basmati rice. Allow it to boil for about 3 to 4 twinkles. Power chef until the rice is 3/ 4th done, also drain the water, add a teaspoon of ghee, and set away.
  • Dissolve saffron beaches in warm milk and set away.
  • Combine wheat flour and water to form an establishment dough. Cover and set away.
  • Heat ghee in a large biryani visage. Add bay leaves, cinnamon stick, cloves, mace, pathar ka phool, and sauté until ambrosial.
  • Add the remaining ginger- garlic- chilli paste and sauté for a nanosecond. also add red chilli greasepaint, garam masala, and sauté until the raw aroma dissipates.
  • Incorporate diced tomatoes, swab, and sauté until they turn soft and mushy.
  • Add caramelized onions, blend completely, also introduce the marinated mutton and mint leaves. Stir for 2 to 3 twinkles. Pour in 1/2 mug of water, cover with a lid, reduce the heat, and poach for 40 twinkles until the mutton is tender and the gravy thickens.
  • Subcaste the 3/ 4th braised rice over the mutton gravy. mizzle saffron milk, add caramelized onions, and sprinkle a small bunch of diced mint leaves. Reduce the heat, cover and seal the lid with the dough.
  • Cook on low medium heat for 15 twinkles and turn off the gas. Allow the biryani to rest for 10 twinkles before opening the pot.
  • Cut the dough seal, remove it, and gently mix the biryani. Transfer it to a serving coliseum and trim with the remaining caramelized onions.